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Public Comment on Federal Grant Applications


In accordance with United States Code (U.S.C.) Annotated, Title 20, Chapter 70, Subchapter VIII, Part C, Section 7846, and Public Law (P.L.) 114-95, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Section 8306, an entity planning to submit a federal grant application must afford a reasonable opportunity for public comment on the application before it is submitted.

Harmony Public Schools hereby gives notice to the public that it intends to file the following applications and request awarded amounts for federal grant funds with the Texas Education Agency for the school year 2022-23. HPS welcomes comments or questions concerning any of these grants, and requests that any comments or questions be submitted by June 30, 2022 using the form below.

En concordancia con United States Code (U.S.C.) Annotated, Title 20, Chapter 70, Subchapter VIII, Part C, Section 7846, and Public Law (P.L.) 114-95, Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), Section 8306, una entidad que planea presentar una solicitud de subvención federal (subsidio) debe brindar una oportunidad razonable para comentarios públicos. Las siguientes son las subvenciones federales que

Harmony Public Schools por la presente notifica al público que tiene la intención de presentar las siguientes solicitudes y solicitar los montos otorgados para fondos de subvenciones federales con la Agencia de Educación de Texas para el año escolar 2022-23. HPS agradece los comentarios o preguntas sobre cualquiera de estas subvenciones y solicita que los comentarios o preguntas se envíen antes del 30 de junio de 2022 mediante este Google form.


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